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Blog posts and articles by Falcony

Posts tagged with "safety-management"

11 Common Safety Risks in Olympics

The Olympic Games, a pinnacle of global sportsmanship and competition, inherently carry a variety...
Safety Management
6 min read

Top 10 Unsafe Acts in Hospitality and Tourism

In the fast-paced world of hospitality and tourism, safety is not just a priority but a...

Safety Management
7 min read

9 Common Safety Risks in Events Management

Events management is a multifaceted industry that orchestrates diverse gatherings, ranging from...
Safety Management
5 min read

Exploring the 7 Most Common Safety Incidents in Aviation and Aerospace

In no other industry compared to aviation and aerospace is safety as critical. Despite all the...

Safety Management
4 min read

7 Common Accidents in Insurance and Risk Management

Insurance and risk management play crucial roles in protecting individuals, businesses, and...

Safety Management
7 min read

What is Management of Change (MOC) and how to use it?

Safety Management
9 min read

7 Common Accidents in Facilities Maintenance and Cleaning

Facilities maintenance and cleaning play a crucial role in upholding cleanliness, safety, and...

Safety Management
6 min read

7 Common Accidents in the Mining and Extraction Industry

The mining and extraction industry plays a critical role in sourcing essential raw materials for...

Safety Management
6 min read

Gemba Walks Are About Observations

Improvement methodologies come and go, but some principles stand the test of time. One such...

Safety Management
3 min read

Involve your stakeholders to report

At Falcony, we create solutions that multiply the amount of observations and enable our customers to gain greater understanding of what’s going on in their organisations, areas of responsibility and processes.