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Blog posts and articles by Falcony

Posts tagged with "property-management"

12 Common Checklists Used in Real Estate and Property Management

In the intricate world of real estate and property management, efficiency and attention to detail...

Property Management
8 min read

The Relationship of Tenant Portals in Increasing NOI

In commercial real estate (CRE) maximizing Net Operating Income (NOI) is essential for property...

Property Management
4 min read

Two ways tenant portals impact Capitalization rates

Capitalization rates (cap rates) serve as a crucial metric for evaluating investment...

Property Management
4 min read

How Tenant Portals Increase Occupancy Rates

In the competitive landscape of commercial real estate (CRE), maintaining high occupancy rates...

Property Management
4 min read

What are the hottest topics in Tenant Experience right now?

As property owners and managers continue to navigate the evolving landscape of commercial...

Property Management
4 min read

Tenant Portals Improve Lease Renewal Rates

Maintaining high lease renewal rates is essential for property owners and managers seeking to...

Property Management
4 min read

Two ways how tenant portals decrease Operating expenses

Managing operating expenses efficiently is crucial for property owners and managers seeking to...

Property Management
3 min read

10 Most common KPIs in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate (CRE), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as vital metrics to assess...

Property Management
9 min read

How to decrease Tenant Turnover with Tenant Portals?

Tenant turnover poses significant challenges for commercial real estate (CRE)...

Property Management
4 min read

Involve your stakeholders to report

At Falcony, we create solutions that multiply the amount of observations and enable our customers to gain greater understanding of what’s going on in their organisations, areas of responsibility and processes.