Tenant Portal update: Pulse surveys, Exit surveys and Infoscreen Integration

Tenant portals for commercial properties have become a big part of tenant experience strategy with most of the property owners. We are glad to inform new updates on our tenant portal solution including pulse surveys, exit surveys, mystery visit checklists and infoscreen integration.

This is the final blog post from our recent launch event held on the 17th of April 2024 Other blog post from the event are available below:

Measuring tenant satisfaction

Tenant satisfaction surveys has been a possible add-on for tenant portals for over a year already. It allows admin users to periodically survey tenant experience with ready-made customizable survey templates.

What's new however, is that we have now improved this add-on with more templates to measure tenant satisfaction. First of all, there’s pulse-surveys: these are “observation buttons” that tenants can use to give measurable and comparable feedback whenever they want and they will automatically alert the relevant people. And with Falcony’s open links feature, they can be added to an external tablet for example.

Then we have an exit survey template which is specifically a questionnaire for tenants with leases coming to an end. It helps to systematically get honest feedback from those, which is too often a missed opportunity.

Capturing comparable tenant feedback in different phases of the tenant journey is one of the best opportunities to improve the tenant experience in general. Complaints are of course the negative side of the feedback, but systematizing something that’s already happening often over email will help to get most of that process too.

"Mystery visits” is another template we have now introduced. To learn from retail, it is like a mystery shopping but for commercial real estate. How it can be used is that asset managers or property managers visit each others or even competitors buildings and assess the tenant experience like they were the tenants or visitors in the building. The audit generates a nice-looking PDF report out of it with section-based and overall grades and scores.

Infoscreen integration

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The infoscreens have been getting more and more popular in both residential and commercial real estate. We have now found a way to get tenant announcements and newsletters sent from falcony to be automatically added into Infoscreens. Currently we support SeeSignage and One4All infoscreens. This will help again one step further with announcements actually reaching the building users better.

If you are new to Falcony, simply reach out to use and let's book a meeting to discuss more! Or start a free trial to see Falcony in action:

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We are building the world's first operational involvement platform. Our mission is to make the process of finding, sharing, fixing and learning from issues and observations as easy as thinking about them and as rewarding as being remembered for them.‍

By doing this, we are making work more meaningful for all parties involved.

More information at falcony.io.

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