Why incident management needs to be conversational

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, incidents and disruptions can occur at any time, posing significant challenges for businesses. Whether it's a cybersecurity breach, a system outage, or a natural disaster, effectively managing incidents is crucial to minimize the impact on operations, mitigate risks, and ensure business continuity.

Traditionally, incident management has been seen as a formal and structured process, but there is a growing recognition that adopting a conversational approach can greatly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of incident management. In this blog post, we will explore why incident management needs to be conversational and the benefits it brings to organizations.

Real-Time Communication and Collaboration

One of the key reasons why incident management needs to be conversational is the need for real-time communication and collaboration. During an incident, time is of the essence, and delays in information sharing or decision-making can result in prolonged disruptions and increased damages. By adopting a conversational approach, incident management teams can leverage instant messaging, chat platforms, and collaboration tools to communicate and collaborate in real-time. This allows for swift information exchange, rapid decision-making, and coordinated response efforts, leading to faster incident resolution.

Conversational incident management promotes transparency and agility in communication, enabling teams to provide updates, share critical information, and seek assistance or input from relevant stakeholders promptly. It eliminates the need for lengthy email chains or delayed responses, ensuring that the right people are engaged, and actions are taken in a timely manner. This real-time communication and collaboration foster a sense of urgency, accountability, and a collective effort to resolve incidents efficiently.

Enhanced Situational Awareness

In the midst of an incident, having a clear and up-to-date understanding of the situation is crucial for effective decision-making and response coordination. Conversational incident management allows teams to exchange real-time updates, share incident-related data and documentation, and provide status reports. This constant flow of information enhances situational awareness, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and have a comprehensive view of the incident.

Conversational incident management platforms often include features like incident dashboards, real-time notifications, and data visualization tools, which enable teams to monitor the incident's progress, track key metrics, and identify emerging trends or patterns. This shared situational awareness facilitates a common understanding of the incident's impact, enables proactive decision-making, and empowers teams to take appropriate actions swiftly.

Collaborative Problem-Solving and Knowledge Sharing

Incidents often require cross-functional collaboration and problem-solving to effectively address the underlying issues and prevent similar incidents in the future. Conversational incident management encourages collaborative problem-solving by bringing together stakeholders with diverse expertise and perspectives. Through instant messaging, video conferencing, and virtual collaboration spaces, incident management teams can engage in interactive discussions, brainstorm solutions, and share best practices in real-time.

Conversational incident management also promotes knowledge sharing and learning from past incidents. By capturing conversations, documenting decisions, and archiving incident-related information, organizations can build a knowledge base that serves as a valuable resource for future incident management efforts. This knowledge sharing enables teams to leverage lessons learned, avoid repeating mistakes, and continuously improve incident response processes and capabilities.

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Incidents can have a significant impact on various stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, and regulators. Effective stakeholder engagement and communication are essential during an incident to manage expectations, provide updates, and address concerns. Conversational incident management enables organizations to maintain open lines of communication with stakeholders through various channels such as chatbots, social media, or dedicated incident communication platforms.

Conversational interfaces allow stakeholders to ask questions, seek assistance, and receive real-time updates. Automated notifications and alerts can be triggered to provide status updates, resolution timelines, or instructions for mitigating the impact of the incident. This proactive and responsive communication approach helps build trust, manage reputational risks, and keep stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the incident lifecycle.


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Post-Incident Analysis and Continuous Improvement

After an incident is resolved, conducting a post-incident analysis is essential to understand the root causes, identify areas for improvement, and prevent future occurrences. Conversational incident management platforms facilitate the collection of incident-related data, logs, and conversations, which can be valuable for post-incident analysis.

By reviewing these conversations and data, incident management teams can identify bottlenecks, evaluate response effectiveness, and make data-driven recommendations for process improvements or system enhancements. The conversational records serve as a valuable source of information for post-incident reports, enabling organizations to capture insights, lessons learned, and recommendations for future incident management efforts.


In conclusion, incident management needs to be conversational to facilitate real-time communication, enhance situational awareness, promote collaborative problem-solving, engage stakeholders, and drive continuous improvement. Adopting a conversational approach empowers incident management teams to respond swiftly, coordinate effectively, and mitigate the impact of incidents efficiently. Leveraging conversational incident management platforms and tools not only streamlines the incident response process but also fosters a culture of proactive communication, collaboration, and learning within organizations.

Are you looking for a platform that could make incident management more conversational in your organisation? Falcony is easy-to-use, boosts two-way communication, has customisable workflows, automated analytics, vast integration possibilities and more. Start your 30-day trial or contact us for more information:

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We are building the world's first operational involvement platform. Our mission is to make the process of finding, sharing, fixing and learning from issues and observations as easy as thinking about them and as rewarding as being remembered for them.‍

By doing this, we are making work more meaningful for all parties involved.

More information at falcony.io.

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