The Use Of “Early Adopters” In Incident Software Implementation
Introducing new software and systems can disrupt your business’ workflow, causing interruptions in productivity, functionality, and more. These interruptions tend to be worse and lengthier if you change software without a plan in place or foresight.
Having a software implementation plan that includes the use of early adopters can help you avoid some of the major issues around software changes and increase software adoption rates. This blog explains what early adopters are, why they matter, and how you can use them to your advantage.
What Are Early Adopters And Why Do They Matter In Software Implementation?
Early adopters are people that adopt new software before you introduce it to everyone who will use it in the organisation. While doing it they can also give feedback on the implementation plan and act as illuminators for how your software change may pan out.
Early adoption is an important tool to use in software change as it exposes your implementation draft plan or software to real operators. You get feedback from some of the people actually responsible for operating the process going forward. The insights you get from doing this are invaluable as they guide you on the pros and cons of the software for your organisation. Thus, getting these early on can help you avoid spending on a new system that detriments your business in the long run.
Another reason why early adopters matter is that they can become spokespeople for the new system. This is especially true if you choose adopters that are champions for your organisation. They can build the foundation for the rest of your team to jump on board and make employee involvement and buy-in easier down the line. When such a person approves of and advocates for a new practice or process, it’s much easier to get others to join in on the action.
How To Use Early Adopters In Software Transitions
The whole point of using early adopters is to get a quick read on how your software functions practically. So, you need to get them involved as early as you can. Onboard them swiftly and thoroughly so your observations of the software functionality aren’t hindered by their confusion or lack of understanding.
Also, involve early adopters from multiple levels and areas of the organisation. This helps you avoid the potential communication gaps between field users and more tech-savvy departments. Since being an adopter requires these employees to use their time outside of their regular workload, it's a good practice to start the process with the most enthusiastic workers. Pick those who are most eager to try out new things and looking to develop their capabilities every time they get a chance.
Lastly, it’s vital to keep monitoring how these adopters’ progress. This is how you will learn how they are working with the system. Try and encourage them to share regular feedback, but also use software analytics to see how the use affects their performance, efficiency, productivity, etc.
Final thoughts
Early adopters should be a key part of bringing in new software and systems. Pick a handful of employees who will be using the new software and work with them to choose the right solution. This way, you can ensure that the software you choose is the right fit and will actually add value to the employees using it. Then, when it’s time for the rest of your organisation to adopt the new software, it will be a much smoother and easier process.
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